
During 2017, Lindridge-Martin Manor Neighborhood Association (LMMNA), the City of Atlanta Department of Parks and Recreation, the Friends of Armand Park Steering Committee and other community constituents began working together to develop a community-based design for a brand new park to be located right here in our neighborhood.

In just under two short years, we made the park a reality! Community members were encouraged to share their hopes and ideas for Armand Park through several community gatherings, and City of Atlanta Office of Park Design used these dreams for Armand Park to design the current design you see today, incorporating many of the community’s wish list items.

We used a phased development approach for Armand Park with the initial focus being on the playground areas and connecting the park to the existing South Fork Trail System. This phase I was complete in 2018. Then, phases II and III added a Rain Garden, Pergola, landscaping, and many other wish-list items. We celebrated these in 2019. With the completion of the Pergola in December 2019, phase III came to an end.

On behalf of LMMNA, we are excited to share with all of you the community’s vision for Armand Park and hope you enjoy the results.


Throughout the design process the community articulated the need for Armand Park to be an active trail head green space. They also voiced their wish for park features to be fun learning experiences geared towards children. These aspirations, along with many other desires from our community are achieved throughout every aspect of the conceptual design and final product. 


Now complete, we launched our initial and most essential fundraising campaign for the park in May 2017. By 2019, we were able to rally the neighborhood and raise all the funds needed, ultimate totaling more than $800,000! This amount includes what our community had already raised among ourselves plus the original, sizable support from the City of Atlanta and Department of Parks and Recreation in 2017-2018.

We also earned:

The Coca-Cola Foundation Grant

Park Pride Grant

South Fork Conservancy Grant


In late 2016, a unique opportunity presented itself to LMMNA. That opportunity was to build a community park at 2177 Armand Road in partnership with the City of Atlanta Office of Parks and Recreation and the South Fork Conservancy. Knowing that opportunities like these do not often arise, LMMNA began the groundwork for what eventually became known as Armand Park. 


Friends of Armand Park

In Memoriam Gifts

With all construction phases of Armand Park complete, the Friends of Armand Park would like to thank all those Lindridge-Martin Manor neighbors who so generously gave to make the park possible. We could not have done it without you!

In particular, Lindridge-Martin Manor Neighborhood Association and the Friends of Armand Park wish to acknowledge those gifts made In Memoriam by several of our supporters. They are:

Katie Childers
In Memory of William Childers

McKenzie Wallace
In Memory of Trudy Garner

Eleanor Malone
In Memory of Margaret Cronin