Q1 Board Meeting
7:15 PM19:15

Q1 Board Meeting

  • Lindridge-Martin Manor Neighborhood Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Meet with your LMMNA Board for our Q1 Meeting on February 26th at 7:15 PM.
PLUS Guest Speakers - City Councilman, Alex Wan & Atlanta Police Department, Major Vayens!



After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with details on how to join the meeting.

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Love Your Neighbor - Love LMMNA!
2:00 PM14:00

Love Your Neighbor - Love LMMNA!

  • Lindridge-Martin Manor Neighborhood Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We’re excited to invite you to our "Love Your Neighbor - Love LMMNA" 
event, taking place on Sunday, February 2nd, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at Armand Park. Join us for a fun afternoon, get to know your neighbors, and consider starting or renewing your membership for 2025. Your participation makes a big difference in making our neighborhood a better place for everyone!

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2:00 PM14:00

Mix and Ming

  • Lindridge-Martin Manor Neighborhood Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Kick off the holiday season with us! Join us at Armand Park for a festive Mix and Mingle on December 1st. Come along for some holiday cheer, tasty treats, and a jolly surprise. Don't miss out on this fun-filled afternoon!

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7:15 PM19:15

Annual General Meeting

Please join us for our upcoming general meeting. This annual meeting is open to all residents of Lindridge-Martin Manor (LMM). It will provide you with a forum to directly interface with the LMMNA board, our local elected representative, Atlanta Police Department, and your neighbors. As a resident of LMM, you are able to vote on any matters brought up at the meeting including our budget and the election of our board of directors. Let your voice be heard by attending the general meeting or volunteer to join our board as an officer or a member of any of our committees.

Attend the meeting via Zoom HERE.

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Oktoberfest Meets Halloween Pets & People Parade
3:00 PM15:00

Oktoberfest Meets Halloween Pets & People Parade

  • Lindridge-Martin Manor Neighborhood Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Show off your faBOOlous costumes (pets & people!) as we parade through the neighborhood greeting old friends and meeting new ones.

Following the parade, please join us at Armand Park for beer, pretzels, Halloween treats, and fun!

In the spirit of sustainability and reducing waste, we ask you to bring your own glass or stein for your beverages.

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to May 15

Fundraiser Event: A Friend in Me

This is a private fundraiser event put on by our Lindridge Martin Manor resident - Open to LMM neighbors only at this time. This event will support the efforts of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta.

  • Activities: Silent Auction, Crawfish Boil & More, BYOB, and an Important Message from the A Friend in Me Team

  • Live Music

Due to Limited Ticket Availability, Please Purchase to Reserve Your Spot Now!

A Friend in Me event is a fundraiser event with the goal of busting down the doors of the stigma surrounding mental health. This gathering will be fun, informative, and hopefully contagious. The event aims to encourage you to help your neighbor and be a good friend, but most importantly a person they can open up and speak to, versus, holding in anger, fear, or other negative thoughts.

Big Brothers Big Sisters needs our support in order to provide mentors to our impressionable youth. These mentors can make long-lasting impacts that not only improve an individual's mental well-being, but perhaps even save a life. We're here for anybody wanting to talk or wants to learn how to help those struggling.

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Lindridge 'Martini' Manor
5:30 PM17:30

Lindridge 'Martini' Manor

We are looking forward to kicking off this year's events with Lindridge 'Martini' Manor on Saturday, April 1. Each house will host a martini and hors d'oeuvres. We will have snacks and drinks for our little neighbors as well! Can't wait to see you!

5:30 pm

Hanna & Chas
2264 Pembrook Pl.

6:15 pm

Jane & Aaron
943 Cardova Dr.

7:00 pm
Tim & Santiago
950 Cardova Dr.

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7:15 PM19:15

LMMNA Annual General Meeting

We are excited to announce that our annual LMMNA general meeting will be held in-person at Taverna Plaka this year! We encourage all members to join and exercise their rights!

If you cannot or are not comfortable joining us in person, we hope to see you on Zoom

Agenda: 2022 LMMNA General Meeting Agenda

Online: Register for Zoom meeting

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LMMNA Halloween Parade and Fall Festival
3:00 PM15:00

LMMNA Halloween Parade and Fall Festival

3:00 pm: Show off your faBOOlous costumes (pets & people!) as we parade through the neighborhood greeting old friends and meeting new ones!

3:30 pm: Please join us after the parade for a Fun Fall Festival!!

Parade Route: Grassy Circle on Melante down Cardova to Armand Park.

In case of inclement weather, the event will be cancelled and rescheduled.

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NPU-F December Meeting
7:00 PM19:00

NPU-F December Meeting

The NPU-F meetings are always held on the third Monday of each month beginning at 7 p.m. Agendas are generally posted two weeks ahead of each meeting. Check their website or social media channels for updates.

The NPU-F meets at The Hillside Facility between Courtenay Drive and Monroe Drive. You can click here to view a map. Access is available from 1301 Monroe Drive. Parking available at the rear of the building, off Monroe Drive.

To vote in NPU-F meetings, registration and proof of residency is required. See our NPU-F page for full details.

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Christmas Caroling Cancelled
6:00 PM18:00

Christmas Caroling Cancelled

Although a popular event for the neighborhood, we have decided to cancel this year’s Second Annual Christmas Caroling at Armand Park. The recent rise in COVID-19 cases and guidance from health officials suggest it’s prudent we look for another opportunity to sing together. We hope you and yours have a safe and joyous season together.

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Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods December Meeting
to Dec 11

Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods December Meeting

The Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit established in 2008. It provides a unified voice to address and protect the common interests and quality of life issues shared by all 43 different Buckhead neighborhoods, including ours.

The council meets the second Thursday of every month from 6:45-8:15 p.m. in Room 2202 at Peachtree Presbyterian Church, 3434 Roswell Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30305. To see a map, click here. Check out the full BCoN calendar for more.

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Thanksgiving for Fire Rescue Station 29
11:00 AM11:00

Thanksgiving for Fire Rescue Station 29


Each year, our neighbors team up with the Piedmont Heights Civic Association to provide a Thanksgiving Feast to the first responders at Atlanta Fire Rescue Station 29, 2167 Monroe Drive.

This year is a year like no other, but we would still love to show our appreciation to the men and women who proudly serve our neighborhoods. We are able to bring homemade dishes, but please know that your dish will not be returned. (If you prefer, you may also deliver or donate something pre-made.)

Our neighborhood is signed for Thanksgiving Day on Thursday November 26. The neighborhood association has generously offered to provide the turkey, but we get to supply the rest of the meal items! The items/dishes requested are listed below.

To donate or sign up, please click here to contact our organizer and let us know what you'll offer. Ideally, you will deliver your dish in person (here's a map), however if you need help getting things delivered, don’t hesitate to ask. We can arrange pick up between 9-11 a.m. Just let us know in the email.

Here is this year's menu (or, suggest your own item):

  • Turkey - Provided by LMMNA

  • Gravy

  • Dressing

  • Vegetable Side Dishes

  • Muffins or Rolls

  • Salads

  • Desserts

  • Sweet Tea (Sweet and Unsweet)

  • Disposable Paper Plates / Cups / Cutlery (prefer Chinet or something sturdy for plates)

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NPU-F November Meeting
7:00 PM19:00

NPU-F November Meeting

The NPU-F meetings are always held on the third Monday of each month beginning at 7 p.m. Agendas are generally posted two weeks ahead of each meeting. Check their website or social media channels for updates.

During the pandemic, meetings are virtual on Zoom, and pre-registraton is required. You may also dial-in: (646) 558-8656, access code, 928 1513 1493#

Here is the agenda for November 2020: https://www.atlantaga.gov/home/showdocument?id=48874

To vote in NPU-F meetings, registration and proof of residency is required. See our NPU-F page for full details on how this works.

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Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods November Meeting
6:45 PM18:45

Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods November Meeting

The Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit established in 2008. It provides a unified voice to address and protect the common interests and quality of life issues shared by all 43 different Buckhead neighborhoods, including ours.

The council meets the second Thursday of every month from 6:45-8:15 p.m. in Room 2202 at Peachtree Presbyterian Church, 3434 Roswell Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30305. To see a map, click here. Check out the full BCoN calendar for more.


Zoom Meeting: 6:00 – 7:00 pm

BCN: Meeting ID: 391 940 2138

Passcode: 5050703

Join this Zoom Meeting at this link:


6:00 – 6:05 Gordon Certain, Secretary – Adoption of Minutes

Robin Morgan/Jennifer Rose - Nominating


6:05 – 6:10 Major Andrew Senzer: Zone 2 Commander – APD

6:10 – 6:15 Captain Howard, Georgia State Patrol

6:15 – 6:25 Jim Durrett, President: Buckhead Coalition and Buckhead CID


6:25 – 6:30 Denise Starling: Executive Director: Livable Buckhead:

Commuter Busses update / PATH 400 update

6:30 – 6:40 Josh Rowan: COA Transportation Commissioner:

Vision Zero update


6:40 – 6:44 Fulton County District Attorney-Elect Fani Willis

6:44 – 6:46 Fulton County Chair Robb Pitts

6:46 – 6:48 Fulton County Commissioner Lee Morris

6:48 – 6:50 Councilman Howard Shook

6:50 – 6:52 Councilman JP Matzigkeit

6:52 – 6:54 Councilman Michael Julian Bond

6:54 – 6:56 Councilman Matt Westmoreland

6:56 – 6:58 Councilman Andre Dickens

6:59 Adjourn

We will adjourn the meeting promptly at 6:59 in order for us all to attend the Atlanta Police Department’s Zoom Meeting at 7:00 p.m.


APD: Meeting ID: 852 4296 2211

Passcode: 062535

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LMMNA General Meeting 2020
6:45 PM18:45

LMMNA General Meeting 2020

For 2020, we’re switching to a new format where we have one General Meeting a year and then “called meetings” on an as-needed basis throughout the year.

This meeting will be a Zoom meeting, and pre-registration with a valid email address is required in order to participate.

For Next Steps:

1 - Please use this link to pre-register for the meeting:

2 - Watch for a confirmation email from a member of the LMMNA board with dial-in and login instructions for the night of Nov. 11.

3 - You may wish to visit Zoom to create an account. It isn’t necessary, but may be useful as virtual meetings may be the norm for some time for LMMNA and other ‘public’ gatherings.

4 - If you’re prompted, this Zoom Meeting ID is 934 7252 6970. There will be a dial-in number, but please look for it in your confirmation email.

For any questions, send an email to communications@lmmna.org.

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NPU-F October Meeting
7:00 PM19:00

NPU-F October Meeting

The NPU-F meetings are always held on the third Monday of each month beginning at 7 p.m. Agendas are generally posted two weeks ahead of each meeting. Check their website or social media channels for updates.

The NPU-F meets at The Hillside Facility between Courtenay Drive and Monroe Drive. You can click here to view a map. Access is available from 1301 Monroe Drive. Parking available at the rear of the building, off Monroe Drive.


WHEN: OCT. 19 @ 7 P.M.
Go to Zoom or call 1-646-558-8656  
Meeting ID: 924-2044-2679

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NPU-F Zoning Committee Meeting
7:00 PM19:00

NPU-F Zoning Committee Meeting

October 14 @ 7 p.m.
NPU-F Zoning Committee and LMMNA Board

  • Committee members to consider the rezoning application, Z-20-059, for 910, 922, and 928 Lindbergh Drive;

  • The applicant, Bryan Warnock, wishes to rezone the properties from R-4 (9,000 sq. ft., 70-foot frontage lots) to R-4A (7,500 sq. ft., 50-foot frontage lots);

  • All residents are strongly encouraged to attend and voice their opinions.

  • To vote in NPU-F meetings, registration and proof of residency is required. See our NPU-F page for full details.


WHEN: OCT. 14 @ 7 P.M.
Go to Zoom or call 1-646-558-8656  
Meeting ID: 924-2044-2679

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Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods October Meeting
6:45 PM18:45

Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods October Meeting

  • Peachtree Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit established in 2008. It provides a unified voice to address and protect the common interests and quality of life issues shared by all 43 different Buckhead neighborhoods, including ours.

The council meets the second Thursday of every month from 6:45-8:15 p.m. in Room 2202 at Peachtree Presbyterian Church, 3434 Roswell Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30305. To see a map, click here. Check out the full BCoN calendar for more.

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NPU-F September Meeting
7:00 PM19:00

NPU-F September Meeting

The NPU-F meetings are always held on the third Monday of each month beginning at 7 p.m. Agendas are generally posted two weeks ahead of each meeting. Check their website or social media channels for updates.

The NPU-F meets at The Hillside Facility between Courtenay Drive and Monroe Drive. You can click here to view a map. Access is available from 1301 Monroe Drive. Parking available at the rear of the building, off Monroe Drive.

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