Become a Paying Member or Sponsor Today!


Do you like the work we do? Help us create a better place for everyone to live, work, and play.


Step 1: Sign up for your residential membership or business sponsorship by filling out the form below or clicking on the “Sign up here” button.

Step 2: Make your payment via Venmo, check, or PayPal. You can find more information about how to pay below.

Step 3: Receive your LMMNA yard sign or get featured in our newsletter and on our website.


Residential Membership

Senior Membership

For 65 Years+

Membership Fee: $30.00

Renter Membership

Membership Fee: $75.00

Homeowner Membership

Membership Fee: $150.00


Business Sponsorship

Please fill out the form below, choose and pay a sponsorship fee, and send your company logo and website link to


Gold Sponsors receive features in each edition of LMMNA Neighbor Newsletter.

Sponsorship Fee: $250.00


Platinum sponsors receive ads on LMMNA Website referring to their own site and are featured in each edition of LMMNA Neighbor Newsletter.

Sponsorship Fee: $500.00



Payment Options


Simply log in on the app and use the search field to look for @LMMNA or select your membership/sponsorship option and choose “Pay with venmo” below.

  • Comment field: Please type your full name, address, and email address (we will never share this information)

  • Check the box for “Private” to make sure you don’t share the info with others

  • Need the app? You can download it for Apple and Android devices.


Please select your membership/sponsorship option and choose “Pay with Paypal” button below.


  • Please print and fill out our Membership Form for residents or our Business Sponsorship Form for business sponsors.

  • Mail your completed form and check to:

    Lindridge-Martin Manor Neighborhood Association

    C/O Membership Dues

    P.O. Box 14721

    Atlanta GA 30324

Select membership/sponsorship option

Make a Donation to LMMNA



For questions, please reach out to