Urban Forests Expanding

Update on Our Growing Armand Road Urban Forest

Contributed by Rich and Dorothy Sussman 

In January of this year, LMMNA worked with Trees Atlanta and the City of Atlanta’s Department of Watershed Management (DWM) to plan for and plant a variety of trees on the empty FEMA lot across from the neighborhood’s Community Garden.

Among the trees planted were tulip poplars, eastern redbuds, pawpaws, and oaks. Volunteers also planted several blueberry bushes there.  Trees Atlanta checks the plantings weekly to make sure the trees are healthy and getting enough water. DWM maintains the property, adhering to a prescribed mowing plan.  Stop by to see a growing forest in action! 

While you’re there, hop next door to the property once known as Greenspace 1.  Once an area where the neighborhood held celebrations, the opening of Armand Park at the opposite end of the street precluded this use. It could easily have become an unsightly lot, but LMMNA again worked with Trees Atlanta and DWM to ensure that this former greenspace would become part of the Armand Road Urban Forest.

If you visit the property, you’ll see that crews have begun to remove invasives from that area. Tree planting will begin in the fall. Stay tuned for information about how you can volunteer to help plant native trees on the property when the time is right!  Contact LMMNA’s NPU-F Resentative Rich Sussman at michandmina@gmail.com for more information.