NPU-F Update for August 2020

NPU-F August Meeting Updates Residents on City Activities

The City of Atlanta is divided into 25 Neighborhood Planning Units, or NPUs. Lindridge-Martin Manor is in NPU-F. It has met virtually during the summer, and the most recent was held Aug. 17.

 Here are the latest updates from that meeting:


  • Atlanta Fire and Rescue: More than 100 recruits are now going through training (including EMS). They expect to be assigned to stations by the end of 2020. No stations are open to the public during the COVID-19 pandemic, except for emergencies.

  • Atlanta Police Department: Maj. Andrew Senzer, commander for Zone 2, provided several updates.

    • Street Racing: This has become a major issue during the pandemic. At this time, it is APD’s policy to “disperse and displace;” it has a “no chase” policy.

    • Club Allure: APD patrols are documenting vehicles parked after 3 a.m., which is the city’s official closing time; bars cannot serve after 2:30 a.m. Maj. Senzer is working with the License Review Board on a “due cause” action to shut the business. He also said APD officers have returned to start enforcing the ‘No Parking Zone’ between midnight and 6 a.m., where signs are posted on Alco Street NE and Melante Drive NE.

    • Homeless and Urban Campers: Maj. Senzer has made contact with GDOT Deputy Commissioner Mike Dover to address the issue of ongoing camps on GDOT property. The APD’s HOPE Unit is planning an assessment of the urban camping situation so that APD and GDOT can finalize a memorandum of understanding that will allow police to arrest for trespassing on GDOT property.

  • Atlanta City Council: President Felicia Moore reported that the city was forced to use some of its reserves to meet its budget for 2020. The council will assess the city’s revenue situation at the end of 2020 and determine if adjustments will be necessary based on shortfall in sales tax revenue.

  • Equitable Dinners Atlanta: This new organization meets via Zoom for virtual dinners and conversations on issues facing the city. The dinners are held every third Sunday of the month starting at 5 p.m. They address topics such as race equity and voting rights and they’re getting a national audience. Go to for more information. The next "dinner topic" is voting rights, set for September 20.

  • Atlanta City Planning Department : Assistant Director Doug Young said that the Zoning Review Board, the Board of Zoning Adjustment, and the Atlanta Tree Commission are all meeting again using Zoom or other virtual means.

  • Atlanta Dogwood Festival: This event has been officially cancelled until 2021.


As reported in the July 2020 NPU-F minutes, this proposed legislation (CZ-20-43) was introduced by City Councilman Adam Farokhi and is known as the ‘Grand Bargain.’

It would enhance existing billboards or establish new locations for billboards in the city. It also would result in the creation of the 14th Street Linear Park and the Peachtree Creek at Cheshire Bridge Road Environmental Education Project (involving the Atlanta Aquarium and the South Fork Conservancy).

 Action on this legislation “held” pending agreement by affected NPUs and resolving other issues.

The next remote NPU-F meeting will take place  Monday, Sept. 21, at 7 p.m. A link to the Zoom meeting will be posted on the NPU-F agenda. To find it, go to the NPU-F website.

You can learn more about LMMNA and our involvement with the NPU system on our website. We have two LMMNA Board members who represent our needs at NPU-F once a month:

Richard Sussman
NPU-F Co-chair for Parks, Trees, and Environment

 Jane Rawlings
NPU-F Chair for Alcohol Licenses and Permits

 You can contact them by sending an email to

Meet the team that created Equitable Dinners Atlanta.

Meet the team that created Equitable Dinners Atlanta.