Celebrating Rain Garden

Rain Garden at Armand Park Comes Into Its Own

Contributed by South Fork Conservancy
A LMMNA Community Partner

It’s been a year since the rain garden at Armand Park became a reality.

In August 2019, the South Fork Conservancy, collaborating with local residents of the Lindridge Martin Manor neighborhood and the Friends of Armand Park, worked to build and then plant this spectacular addition to the Park. LMMNA organized a children’s learning event and ice cream party to complete the final touches!

The garden was funded by generous grants from the Coca-Cola Foundation and designed by Atlanta landscape architect Patrick Hand with Integrated Land Design. Not only is it full of native pollinator plants, but it also filters two million gallons of stormwater runoff before that water has a chance to make it into the South Fork.

Beauty and function in one place—how cool is that for a birthday gift we can all celebrate!

Neighborhood children helped put the final touches on the rain garden last year!

Neighborhood children helped put the final touches on the rain garden last year!