City to Review Allure License

License Review Board to Meet Oct. 6; Neighbors Urged to Attend

The Atlanta Police Department has filed a ‘due cause’ citation against Allure Gentleman’s Club at 2284 Cheshire Bridge Road NE for conducting illegal nightclub operations on a Sunday. 

Neighbors are highly encouraged to attend the upcoming License Review Board (LRB) hearing, held virtually and set for October 6 beginning at 5 p.m.

The full agenda and call-in information are available online. This will be the meeting where the citation will be considered. You can attend online or call in by phone: Call instructions are:

Dial US: +1 312 626 6799

When prompted, enter Zoom Webinar ID: 873 1223 1042

Press # to join

Register in advance for this Zoom meeting at this link:

For “Job Title,” type in “Resident.” For “Department,” type in “LMM.”

The consent agenda items will typically be quickly adopted, so item #10 (Allure Due Cause) will likely be heard shortly after the meeting starts. Neighborhood Planning Unit-F will have a representative attending to speak to the neighborhood's experiences regarding Allure operations. 

Only one community member is permitted to speak.  When signing in, please identify that you are from the Lindridge Martin Manor neighborhood so the LRB will have a sense of the urgency and scope of our engagement.

Due Cause procedures are covered in Section 10-109 of the City of Atlanta Code of Ordinances. 

Sec. 10-109.1. - Mandatory progressive penalties for "due cause" findings by the license review board and penalties imposed by the mayor.

(a) With respect to existing licenses, mandatory penalties for "due cause" findings by the mayor shall be as follows:

(1) First violation—Minimum of five to 60 days to a maximum 180 days suspension of license and $1,000.00 fine;
(2) Second violation—Minimum of 30—180 days to one year suspension of license or revocation and $1,000.00 fine;
(3) Third violation—Revocation.

(b) With respect to existing licenses, mandatory penalties for "due cause" findings by the mayor with respect to licensees holding a license to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption shall be as follows:

(1) First violation—Minimum of five to 60 days to a maximum 180 days suspension of license and $2,500.00 fine;
(2) Second violation—Minimum of 30—180 days to one year suspension of license or revocation and $2,500.00 fine;
(3) Third violation—Revocation.