LMMNA General Meeting Set for Nov. 11

Attendees Asked to Pre-Register for Upcoming Event

For 2020, we’re switching to a new format where we have one General Meeting a year and then “called meetings” on an as-needed basis throughout the year.

This meeting will be a Zoom meeting, and pre-registration with a valid email address is required in order to participate.

For Next Steps:

1 - Please use this link to pre-register for the meeting:

2 - Watch for a confirmation email from a member of the LMMNA board with dial-in and login instructions for the night of Nov. 11.

3 - You may wish to visit Zoom to create an account. It isn’t necessary, but may be useful as virtual meetings may be the norm for some time for LMMNA and other ‘public’ gatherings.

4 - If you’re prompted, this Zoom Meeting ID is 934 7252 6970. There will be a dial-in number, but please look for it in your confirmation email.

For any questions, send an email to communications@lmmna.org.